During winter 2013, progress was made to
the Magellan platform in camera module. As it is shown in the diagram, camera
module consists of three parts: contracking2 class, rr_api class and roborealm
Originally, there are three main functions
in contracking2 class: Initialize_Vision_API(),
which initialize the camera and roborealm program, getCOG(), which returns the center of gravity of the target, and terminate_roborealm(), which close the
camera and roborealm program. The original roborealm program was made to detect
the red color and within a range of threshold and size, and return the center
of gravity of the detected red area.
In some degree, it was a powerful program
to detect red cones. However, the program might lead Magellan to the wrong way
when it detects other red object such as a red wall, red T-shirts that people
wears or a bottle with red cover.
As a result, the roborealm program was
developed to detect the target according to not only colors but also shapes. In
the developed roborealm program, “improve2.robo”, a module called shape match
was used to detect the shape of targets.
A folder of pictures can be loaded in this
module, and it is used to compare the pictures in the folder and the detected image
from camera. Once the program find a target matches the loaded pictures, it
would use a green rectangle frame to surround the object and return a value
called “confidence”.
“Confidence” is a value that describes the
similarity between the loaded pictures and the detected object. The higher
confidence value returns, the more accurate the object matches.
In the improved contracking2 class, a new
function called getConfidence() was
made to get this value to help to determine if the detected object is the
target cone. Correspondly, a function called Check_Cone() was made in the test Magellan class to help to find
the target cones:
def getCOG_shapeMatch( ):
c_X = float(rr.GetVariable("SHAPE_X_COORD"))
c_Y = float(rr.GetVariable("SHAPE_Y_COORD"))
c_size = float(rr.GetVariable("SHAPE_SIZE"))
c_X = 9999
c_Y = 9999
c_size = 0
return [c_X, c_Y, c_size]
def getConfidence():
confidence = float(rr.GetVariable("SHAPE_CONFIDENCE"))
confidence = 999
return confidence
getCOG_shapeMatch( ) and getConfidence() functions were added to conetracking2 class to get the center of gravity, size and the confidence value from roborealm. Their test code was to identity the target cones, and return the center of gravity when the confidence is more than 80:
if __name__=="__main__":
c = getConfidence()
while c< 80 or c>100:
c = getConfidence()
if c>80 and c< 100:
print "target found"
print getCOG( )
The two functions below were made in Magellanclass module to identity cones from other objects by continually getting confidence value from roborealm. The function Confidence_Filter() could increase the accuracy of cone searching.
def Confidence_Filter():
coneFound = False
for i in range(10):
c = getConfidence()
if(c>80 and c<100):
coneFound = True
return coneFound
def Check_Cone():
[cone_X,cone_Y,cone_size] = getCOG()
cf = False
if ((cone_X!=9999) and Confidence_Filter()):
cf = True
return cf
def getCOG_shapeMatch( ):
c_X = float(rr.GetVariable("SHAPE_X_COORD"))
c_Y = float(rr.GetVariable("SHAPE_Y_COORD"))
c_size = float(rr.GetVariable("SHAPE_SIZE"))
c_X = 9999
c_Y = 9999
c_size = 0
return [c_X, c_Y, c_size]
def getConfidence():
confidence = float(rr.GetVariable("SHAPE_CONFIDENCE"))
confidence = 999
return confidence
getCOG_shapeMatch( ) and getConfidence() functions were added to conetracking2 class to get the center of gravity, size and the confidence value from roborealm. Their test code was to identity the target cones, and return the center of gravity when the confidence is more than 80:
if __name__=="__main__":
c = getConfidence()
while c< 80 or c>100:
c = getConfidence()
if c>80 and c< 100:
print "target found"
print getCOG( )
The two functions below were made in Magellanclass module to identity cones from other objects by continually getting confidence value from roborealm. The function Confidence_Filter() could increase the accuracy of cone searching.
def Confidence_Filter():
coneFound = False
for i in range(10):
c = getConfidence()
if(c>80 and c<100):
coneFound = True
return coneFound
def Check_Cone():
[cone_X,cone_Y,cone_size] = getCOG()
cf = False
if ((cone_X!=9999) and Confidence_Filter()):
cf = True
return cf
Also, a module in roborealm called “mean
filter” is used to better detect the objects in a further distance or in dark
before mean filter
after mean filter
Finally, pictures of cones are used to
match the detected objects, and red objects with different shape such as a
bottle of red cover and an orange drill were used to test the program. It returned
a very high confidence value, more than 80, to detect the cone from other
shapes; It showed a very good performance to find the cone within 3-4 meters.

(more upgraded functions and classes for camera module:
Dropbox\Robotics Team\Engr 99 Robotics\Magellan-James\test)
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